Join the ProSocial Conversation

The ProSocial social media communities are online and growing!

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to join the conversation about topics that are important to us as a company and, more importantly, to you, our community.

We’ll post about current events, our favorite organizations and causes, and the latest trends in changemaking across sectors. We’ll ask questions, posit opinions, and spark discussion.  And we’ll explore, of course, how social media can be a tool for social change.

We truly want our social media platforms to be homes for all things social impact. We know change is hard work, requires intelligent strategy, and often asks for an overabundance of patience; but it also requires that we work and think together. And every little bit helps.

So “follow” and “like” us to read, share, discuss and participate. Join us to join a community of others who care about making the world a better place.